
Introduction to REST authentication

Recently I had to design REST API endpoints. My company currently has and old and hairy monolithic backend. Like most living things in order to survive they have to adapt, so did our enterprise backend, it had to talk REST. REST in particular is a... More

Modify Android Phone To Run Without a Battery

I had few use cases where I needed a constantly on Android phone. The issue with keeping any device constantly charging is that their battery will suffer. In case of lithium-ion batteries, they have a proclivity to inflate and even catch fire or even... More

Issuing and managing client-side SSL certificates with Python

AbbreviationsKey : A piece of cryptographic information used for encrypting data by a chosen algorithm. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) Certificate Signing Request (CSR) : A process in which person or server asks for his key being signed.... More

Control anything SSH with Homeassistant's

What is SSH?SSH is a powerful command line-tool, allowing for you to connect to a remote machine and issue any shell command remotely. Basically, SSH is a way of sending a command to a remote machine without doing the typing in by sitting front of the... More

Adding more features to Hyperion in Homeassistant

IntroAfter playing around with Hyperion I really liked it, I liked it so much that I decided to implement it in my smart-home setup. I currently use Hyperion for Kodi, but I wanted a way to control it with my Homeassistant, because I could automate a... More

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